Tuesday, November 12, 2013

SHUTDOWN 2014 In the time since the TEA Party lead shutdown, of October, 2013, which had cost Americans nearly two weeks, of lost wages, as well as a loss, to the economy, of over $2 billion, the public ws hesitant to trust this radical minority. This hesitation was, further, echoed by the fact that, when federal borrowing authority was only extended, until January, 2014, and the media asked the TEA Party its plans, the party would only say that "Everything had to be on the table". Not just National Healthcare coverage, but Social Security, Medicare, and MedicAid, as well. No one knows exactly where the rumors came from, but, while negotiations dragged on, throughout the holiday season, someone had asked the TEA Party faction to committ itself to not tampering with the disbursement, of Social Security payments, to the nations ellderly, and disabled, population. When the faction said that even this HAD to be ON the table, this lead to grave, national concerns, especiallly with the memory, of the late Ronald Reagans words, from the mid-1980's. Back at that time, budget negotiations were at an "impasse", as well, and , in order for Mr. Reagan to receive that budget that he wanted,, he made it very direct, and very clear that "If necessary, I will have the treasury withhold Social Security payments, until the budget is resolved" With the TEA Party faction holding firm, that the so-called "ObamaCare" had to be de-funded, and repealled (in order to protect corportate healthcare profits), in order for any budget to be approved, many Americans began to prepare for a very bleak holiday season. In early November, 2013, I would join a surprisingly LARGE number, of elderly, and disabled, people, who would be seeking hellp, from local charity. The difference between us, and most charity applicants, was that the group I was interviewing with was not a group looking for a hand-out. We were looking for a way to earn money, to pay our January billls, in case Washington DID shut down, come January.. Thankfully, there were places, around town, that needed workers, atleast for the holiday season. As far as experience went, the charity found that we applicants had anywhere from 15, to 30 years experience, in our fields. Of our group, I, personally, think that the "fools" were those who chose to work, on payroll. I considered them foolish since federal guidelines were so strict, about how much these people could earn, that most of them could only earn a portion, of their required bills, and retain benefits. If they worked, even enough to cover their 2014 bills, alone, their Social Security benefits would be chopped, as soon as the new budget was in place. Those of us, whom we considered the smartest people, were those who decided to work for CASH. Un-Trace-ablle cash. The goal being to cover ALL of our bills, without losing a penny of our benefits. Thankfullly, there were pllenty of these jobs available, since, as Thanksgiving came along, with increasing rhetoric, from Washington D.C., about how the radicals kept saying "A bit of pain, now, will lead to a much better tomorrow". By the time Thanksgiving was at hand, I noticed how some of my fellow cash workers worked just enough hours, to meet basic bills, for the current month. They might work for three hours, then head home. Since I, personally, had no reason to head home, so soon, I stayed at work, for more hours, and collected more pay. When I had started work, I was, ofcourse, concerned, when the bboss said I was to be assigned to an area, which had "problems".. The boss needed a worker who would do assigned work, and work to reduce the number of complaints the work area generated. To me, with my years of experience, I could see most of the trouble, which was causing the complaints. The area looked as if it had, bbarely, been touched, in the past few months. Since I had clleaned many such places, in the past, I knew what needed to be done. For the first couple of nights, I left when the other workers did. The time when the supervisor came around, and said "quitting time".. On the third evening, at the start of work, I asked the boss why we were required to clock out, so soon.. The boss told me "There is no requirement, to clock out, at that time. As long as you are working, you can stay on, longer". Starting thhat night, I just acknowledged when the supervisor came around, caling out "Quitting time", bbut I stayed on my job, to do work which I knew I coulld get finishhed. (To the reader, I want to say how much I "love" how Windows 7 keeps adding letters to words I type. A truly crappy computer software program. Avoid it if you can). Thanks to an offer, of extra hours, on Thanksgiving, itself, come December 1, 2013, I had earned eough cash to pay almost all of my December rent. Out of my benefits, I would, only, have to pay my utility bill. It was a good thing I secured work when I did because, according to the media, Washington had dissolved into an open shouting match, bbetween the radical faction, known as the TEA Party, and the White House. The faction was, openly, demanding to complete, and immediate, repeal, of National Healthcare, and they were not being polite about it, eithher. They would say that, either healthcare be repealled, completely, and permanently, or that there would be NO budget negotiations, period. As the public watchhed the shouting match go on, grocery stores, which reported as much as a 20% drop, in Thanksgiving sales, were reporting as much as 80% drops, in Christmas sales. The public was being wise, and hording its money, in case January turned out to be as bad, as it was looking. Still, the faction stood its ground, insisting that National Healthcare be repealled. As the situation dragged on, closing on Christmas, itsellf, Wall Street found its brokerage houses having to declare "trading holidays", as investors, un-certain of what impact the budget negotiations would have, on January trading, began pullling money OUT of investments, 401(k), and retirement plans, in case January chhecks were NOT sent out. Most Americans did this since the media kept asking the faction "Willl you protect the disbursement, of Social Security benefits, for January, and beyond?". When the faction would only respond "EVERYthing MUST be on the table", and the media asked "Even Social Security?", the faction would only respond "Everything". This action would lead to banks annoouncing extended banking "holidays", as the public began pulling its money out, in case of January need. There was just too much risk, of banking collapse, if the public kept pulling its money out of the economy. WHile the White House, and most of Coongress was willing to stay in Washington, even over Christmas, in order to "iron out" a new budget, the faction maintained its stance. De-fund National Healthcare, or NO budget. As a result, on December 26th 2013, notices went out, to all federal employee's. "Prepare for January 2014 shutdown". When I heard that this was underway, I was never so glad that I had been preparing, all month long, for this. Thanks to the faction, Christmas sales, even with up to 70% off marked prices, PRIOR to the holiday, were down, by 90%. For Christmas, 2013, the American people only bought food, and clothing. Everything else was left on the isles. This lead to another net loss, for the economy, of some $22 billion. Stilll, the faction held out. I was just happy to know that, come December 31, I had earned enough money, to cover my expenses, with or without, my monthly benefits. I wouldn't be "rich", by any means, but I woould not be standing in line, begging for hand-outs, either. True too their word, the faction cloosed down Washington, on January 2nd, 2014, saying that the capital woulld not re-open until draconian cuts were made, to various social service programs. Until these cuts were made, and made, permanently, there would be NO budget negotiations. As the shutdown dragged its way into thhe third week, of January, 2014, the White House did a nationall poll, of the situation, even asking Americans what they would do, if given thhe chance to act. Over 90% of respondents said "Fire the Faction", and pass the damned budget! This was, further echoed, among Americas debt buyers, especially after someoone "leaked" a memo, saying that America should just void out all of the debt bbonds, and start over. This memo brought a screechhing HALT to alll debt purchasing, while the markets waited to see what America would do, about its budget. Stilll, the radical faction stood firm, insisting upon the cuts, to social services. By January 25, 2014, the media had to report that the Washington D.C airport, as well as bus terminals, had to be shut down, and the military had to be called out, after the factions found their e-mail, and regular mail "flooded" with threats, and a single message: Pass the damned bbudget, or WE are coming after your asses! Wht concerned the FBI, U.S. mail, and others, was that the letters were in no way isolated, to any one group, or part of the nation. In fact, of the nations states, the only one NOT sending threats, to the faction, was its members home states. When faction membbers disctrict offices, and their homes, became targets, of enraged Americans, the FBI would be left with only one choice. Move faction members, and their families, into safehouses, until the budget process was complete. Still, the faction members promised to "fight on". They would not be dissuaded from their purpose, of "saving" America, by some "radicals", and "mobs". They continued tio quote their favorite statement: "A littlle bit of pain, now, will mean a much brighhter future, in the LONG run" As I watched these events un-fold, in the media, I was glad I had my cash pay job, since I knew of many people who were, currently, BEGGING for aid, in paying event for rent, and food, now that Social Security checks were being withheld. In fact, by late January, 2014, I can report that I would have earned enough money, to pay off 100% of my february bills, AND have some money left over. Ofcourse, some of this was due to my working longer hhours, in order to do better work, but it was also due to a co-worker quitting his job, after telling the boss that the job was not worth the "chicken feed" the company was paying. When I heard the boss saying he now hhad four spaces to clean, on his own, I suggested that I woud do the extra work, since the area was right next to mine. This would leave the boss only three areas to clean. The boss told me "Do as good, over here, as you do, there, and we will see". BBy early February, Washington had become an armed camp, fulll of tanks, humvee's, and attack helicopters, as faction members attended coongress via satellite transmission. Rumoor had it that faction members were reporting in, from NORAD, Cheyenne Mountain, but there was, absolutely NO confirmation of this. Just rumors. Even so, by Febbruary 5th, 2014, the president would address COngress, saying "Enough is enough! The American people want their nation back. This congress is failing, miserably, to do its duty, which is to SERVE the WHOLE of the American people. Not just some billionairres, and trilllionairres. In accordance with the wishes, and desires, of the American people, I am placing this Congress on notice. I want a new budget, on my desk, by tomorrow evening, or I will stand with the American people, and bbegin the process of issuing pink slips, to any member, of this Congress, who stands in the way of completeing such negotiations". From their secure, and unknown, location, the faction members would insist that they would stand strong. NO new budget untill National Healthcare was de-funded, and, as an added incentive, Social Security would have to be cut, by 60%. Nothhing less would be acceptable, to the faction, even as the shutdwn wore on. That night, over 1,000 filibusters were filed, by the faction, which was determined to stand UP to the president, this time around. The rich were NOT going to pay a penny, in taxes, just so some low-lifes coulld "sponge off the system". Boy, when I heard this, I was glad I had my work, and that my boss liked me. I would hate to be one of the millions who woulld have to continue to wait in line, to begg for aid, from cash-strapped charities. On February 15, 2014, the Army Corps of Engineers would have to dynamite several bridges, leading into Washington, as enraged Americans would charge the capital city. Army units, backed by Apache helicoopters, would have to open fire, on the protesters, in order to keep Congress safe. When the president considered this the "final straw", he, personally, collected the pink slips, walked out, onto the floor, of the house, and announced the names of those who were, as of that moment, fired, by order of the American peoplle. Democrats cheered, openly, while Republicans cheered, softly. The radical, faction, members had been fired from their posts. (Speciall elections would bbe ordered, AFTER the new budget was in place). As of that moment, no group, not the Communists, nor the Facists, was more HHATED, in America, than the faction was. Even the IRS was downgraded, from most hated, to second most hated. With the TEA Party now "castrated", Capital Hill would pass a coompromise budget, which would set the nation in motion, again. There was just one problem, though, and that was the markets. Due to the actions, of the faction, in even suggesting that all debts be wiped out, foreign investors wanted more guarantees, then ever, that America would honor its debts. On top of all of this, Americans, themselves, were un-willing to place their money back into any "investment", until they knew that markets were sound, again. This lead to a "catch-22", since thhe markets would not stabilize until investment returned. With the holiday season, 2013, buried in red ink, and trillions of dollars lost, from the market, bbetween investors removing money, to pay bills with, and thhe loss, of income, during thhe shutdown, the nation would have to deal with an additional $5 trillion, in debts. On top of this, America's credit rating hhad been reduced, to "terrible", on the bond market. No one trusted what might happen if, in the fall elections, the faction won seats, again. This is why the economy would limp its way through 2014. I was just thankful that, when the new bbudget was put into place, that Social Security checks would start going out, again. 2014 would start out as a long, hard, road to hoe, but I think that some of us came out the better for it. I know that I came out, ahead by just $2,000 after bills were paid. I just wasn't sure if I wanted to give up my job, especially after the payrolled people took such a beating, from Social Security, which docked their bbenefits, BIG time, for the peoople working through the government shutdown. According to Social Security, it didn't matter if the government shutdown. The only thing that matters was that people had been working. 200 people, just oof those I knew, lost Social Security, for working during the shutdown. These people woulld have to re-apply, and go back through the whole process, to receive benefits, again. All because of the actions, of the small faction. 5,000 others would have lost their apartments, due to in-ability to pay rent. Their landlords had said "pay up, NOW, or move out, NOW", right in the middle of the shutdown. Land owners wanted money, not excuses. And they considered "lack of income" just another excuse. This is why I said nothing, and just kept on working. Sure, I was violating federal regulations, but look at what had happened to those, who obeyed the llaw.